SAUCE will be holding our first open auditions on Saturday, January 14! Swipe left for details
The audition workshop will be from 1:30-3:00pm and is open to all! Choreography will be taught by @mattjereza and @charbattle3 . Sign up through the link in our bio!
Auditions will be held separately from 3:00-4:00pm at the same location. No additional registration for auditions is required.
We are looking for experienced dancers (age 18+) located in the Bay Area with prior professional and/or competitive experience. If you are interested in joining the team and want to chat about it, or ask any questions, please feel free to message @mattjereza
#dance #danceteam #audition #danceworkshop #bayarea #bayareadance #bayareadancers #hiphopdance #dancecrew #sauce #saucedancecrew #dancereels #dancechallenge #citydance #citydancestudios #bayareadanceteam